



(Louise-Ann Paris-Riviere)


Child Development Consultant, Mother, Founder of The Whole Parenting and The Village Membership Community
  • Bsc - Behavorial Science
  • Msc Psychodynamics of Human Development 
  • Cert - 2 Years Infant Observation (British Psychotherapy Foundation) 


My name is Louise and I am a family and child development consultant and the founder of The Whole Parenting and The Village Membership Community.


I am a mother of two amazing boys who keep me very busy and astonished, I love tea and lots of it, I love the outdoors, I love cooking, music and all things artsy.

When I am not on the school run or running after a toddler ( I seem to run a lot hmmm... ) you can find me working with clients as a Family and Child Development Consultant. I bring over 18 years experience of working in both private and statutory government organisations in the United Kingdom. My experience involves, working across a wide range of needs from universal to more specialists, including multiple and complex needs.

I have spent all of my adult life learning about the psychology of human development. With a BSc in Behavioural Science, MSc Psychodynamics of Human Development, 2 years with the British Psychotherapy Foundation studying Infant Observations and over 19 years of working with children and families in private organisations and for the UK local government, I have a pretty good foundation and understanding of human psychological development, particularly that of a child. But most importantly, I am a mother with a good few years of practical 'mummy-ing' experience under my belt which has profoundly expanded my understanding and put all of my learning into raw, practical, in-your-face, first hand experience.

I haven't always been a conscious-peaceful parent. As a matter of fact I am naturally predisposed to smacking, shouting and reacting without much thought. As a professional, I knew in theory what was supposed to be done. But I still struggled as a parent, because I hadn’t done the work myself to unpick my own cultural complexes and identify where intergenerational transmission, belief systems and cultural complexes played a part in my parenting.


I finally did the work to understand and make the change and when I did, I saw how it transformed my whole family, and everything changed! My career transitioned into a purpose. I needed to tell everybody. I needed to help people in a new way and I particularly needed to help parents just like me, having similar cultural and intergenerational struggles.


I became passionate about helping parents like me understand and identify patterns of unhelpful intergenerational transmission of parenting practices, cultural complexes and belief systems on their parenting. Then to further support them with very practical strategies based on the latest scientific research in human psychological development, so that they could move from this point to a more conscious, peaceful, connected parenting practice that nurtures their children and sets them up for the best future.


I am excited and proud to be part of the movement that’s changing the way parents in my community think about discipline. Helping parents understand that gentle connected parenting and discipline work hand in hand. Helping parents learn that you can successfully raise a well-adjusted, responsible, brilliant human being while parenting gently and mindfully through connection and it that will NOT SPOIL them and creating positive change for the next generation of children and parents is what I hope will be my greatest professional legacy. 

I couldn’t be more excited that you’re here!


I can't wait to meet you!! x

I've Got You  ...


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What People Are Saying

Stacy K.

"It felt like someone who has had the experience is talking to me and wanting to hold my hand."

Joy R.

"I loved the delivery, it felt like a conversation. I liked the practical examples. I also liked the platform it was clean and easy to navigate"

Linda L.

"Many times as parents we feel judged for how we parent our little ones but Louise has managed to own the ability of letting you know what does not work, along with the research to prove it, and gently guide you to what works."



